CONSULTING – We offer 30-Minute and 60-Minute Consultations to brainstorm all issues concerning your publishing journey.

PROOFREADING – So much of the work people do in today’s tech-oriented world revolves around the written word. Mistakes in writing can have an enormous impact on your success — and public perception, which is where proofreading comes in! Whether you’re a debut author or a professional writer, your manuscript needs a trained eye to proofread for mistakes involving spelling, grammar, punctuation, and consistency.

EDITING – Whether you need help with a comprehensive Developmental Edit, a basic Proofreading of your completed manuscript for punctuation, grammar, and spelling, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered! We will give you the feedback and direction required to polish your writing and prepare your book for publication.

CO-WRITING or GHOSTWRITING – Whether you’re looking for someone who can fill out your existing novel to increase word count and reader engagement, or you only have the seed of an idea that you’d like a professional writer to craft into a beautiful story; we’ve got you covered.

MANUSCRIPT FORMATTING – Most authors want to write their stories. But they aren’t so interested in learning all the intricacies of document formatting in Microsoft Word. Configuring a novel involves a pretty steep learning curve. Industry standards must be met to submit correctly formatted versions for editor submission versus print versions versus eBook editions. We can help. We have experience building all these versions and can remove the headache, so you don’t have to worry about the standards for submission and instead can focus on doing what you love: writing.

ILLUSTRATION & COVER DESIGN – We have teamed up with some of the most talented and established illustrators and cover designers in the industry. We will walk you through your vision for the cover of your book, then turn your dream into a reality by handing the work off to our team of talent.

AUTHOR BRAND DEVELOPMENT, WEBSITE DESIGN & MAINTENANCE – With years of WordPress website design and maintenance, we have the experience to build you an author website you’ll be proud of! Your author brand is a crucial and integral part of your business image. We’ll brainstorm your vision and then craft a custom website for you. If you prefer a hands-on approach, we can train you to update and maintain your site after creation, or we can take care of all of that for you.

PUBLISHING – Whether you want to “go wide” or stay exclusive to Amazon, we’ll discuss your personal and career publishing objectives and develop a plan that will work for you.

SOCIAL MEDIA & MARKETING – Our team has decades of experience building and growing a social media presence. We can create accounts and pages for you and your brand and then advise you on the type of content to post and with what frequency to engage your audience.

CONTACT US to schedule your initial 30-Minute Consultation Now.