Do you accept unsolicited manuscripts?

Yes, we welcome unsolicited manuscripts.

What if I don’t live in the United States? Can I still submit my manuscript?

Yes, we welcome submissions from authors all over the world.

When will I hear back from you after I send my submission?

We review all submissions and send the author a yes or no email, frequently within 24 hours of receipt. But certainly within 14-21 days.

Do I have to have an agent?

Nope! Most of our authors aren’t represented by an agent, though we do accept submissions from literary agents.

Can I submit more than one manuscript at a time?

Please don’t.

We request that you initially submit a single manuscript for review. If we decide to publish your novel, we may, at that point, explore the possibility of publishing other books you’ve written.

What if I’m writing a book series?

Great! Please submit only the first book for review. If we like what we read, then we’ll talk about publishing other books in the series.

How much does it cost?

We never charge a fee to review your manuscript. We earn when you hire us for our editing, co-writing/ghostwriting, formatting, illustration & cover design, website design, and other services. We also profit when we sell books for you, and we pay you royalties for every copy we sell.

Do you guarantee you will publish my book?

No, we review all manuscripts sent to us for consideration and decide on a case-by-case basis which authors are a good fit for our services.

To increase your chances of acceptance, please ensure that your book falls within the following genres:

  • Middle-Grade Fiction
  • Young Adult Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy – of all types
  • We will consider Non-Fiction on an individual basis
  • We will consider Self-Help, Cooking, Crafts, and others on an individual basis
  • We will consider Romance on an individual basis

We EXPRESSLY DO NOT accept any of the following:

  • Erotica
  • Pornography
  • Graphic Violence
  • Psycho-Thrillers

How much can I earn with Mac Paidin Publishing?

At Mac Paidin Publishing, we’re in it for the long-haul. We prefer authors who want to form long-term partnerships. Because of that care and concern for our professional relationships, we pay 50% gross royalties. Our authors earn 3-6 times the amount they would make when going with a traditional publishing house. We’re authors, too. So, our objective is to help you earn a full-time income from your book sales.

Can I send you my submission in the mail?

No. We won’t review any physical manuscripts. We prefer the convenience of digital manuscripts for review.

How should I format my review manuscript?

Please include the FIRST 3,000 WORDS of your manuscript in the body of your initial email. We don’t require any particular formatting for this initial submission. Please start your message with a COVER LETTER telling us a little about yourself, what inspired the writing of your book, and a brief overview/synopsis of your story. We want to get to know you and what drives your passion for writing. Follow that cover letter with your first 3,000 words. We will know, after that sampling, if you and your book will be a good fit for our services.

If you have more questions –

You can submit your query letter or ask a question by emailing: submissions@macpaidinpublishing.com